Here is my collection of Luftwaffe aircraft. As always all are 1/48 scale

This is Tamiya's Messerschmitt Bf109E-3. It depicts "Black 7" of 8/JG27 1940.

This kit was built straight out of the box with Aeromaster Decals.

This is the Hasegawa Messerschmitt Bf109G-6 of Hauptmann Erich "Bubi" Hartmann Gruppenkommandeur 1 Gruppe JG 53. Hartmann known as the "Blonde Knight" was the highest scoring ace ever with 352 kills.

This kit was built straight from the box, decals and all.

This is the Hasegawa Macchi C.205 Veltro of JG77.

This kit was built straight from the box. I was able to aquire the Mike Grant "Smoke Ring" decals to do this one. My airbrush is not able to paint such fine lines. It took me 2 hours to decal the smoke rings on this one...it was a pain in the you know what. But it looks good. the rest of the decals were the kit decals. The stripe on the spinner broke apart so I had to hand paint it. And if you look close you can tell.

This is the Pro-Modeler Fw190D-11 built straight from the box. I was planning on using a real cool Eagle Strike decal set on this one but its for a D-9 not the D-11 so I used the kit decals. I chickened out on the red bottom scheme so I went with the other one that was provided with the kit. Not sure what squadron it is.

This is Tamiya's Fw190A-3 converted to an A-4. This one depicts "White 10" from 1/JG 1 piloted by Ofw Fritz Husser.

This was an easy conversion. The kit comes with seperate pieces for the top of the rudder so you can make an A-3 or A-4,5,6 etc. Of course if you want to go later then you have to change the cowl cover over the guns too. I basically built this one straight from the box except Aeromaster decals.

This is the old Monogram Do-335 Arrow. This one was built straight from the box and the markings were taken from several different Luftwaffe sheets in my spares box. This aircraft never went into production so I made it as a "what if"

This is the original release of the Monogram Messerschmitt Me262 Swallow. Built straight from the box. Not sure what squadron the markings are from.

This is Hasegawa's Ju87B-2 depicting S2+AM from 4/St.G.77 Eastern Front, 1941

I built this one pretty much straight from the box. I am not too happy with the paint scheme though. It called for RLM 70/71 over RLM 65. I did not have any RLM 71 so I looked on the net to find the FS number and it came up with Model Master FS34052 Dk Green. That color looked ok, but when I put on the RLM 70 it looked too blue...so thats why it looks kinda green over dk gray..oh well

This is Hasegawa's 1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109F-2 in markings of Hans-Joachim Marseille. I've always wanted to do one of his aircraft. I like the desert scheme on this one.

This one was built straight from the box but I used Super Scale decals for the markings. The pictures didnt turn out quite as good as I wanted. It was a new camera and lighting sucked. So I'm hoping to take new ones in the future